Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Four Months Old

Wow, can't believe Andrew is four months old! He has done so much this past month, I couldn't keep track of it all.  He is getting better at rolling from his stomach to his back.  Still doesn't like tummy time though. I try to do tummy time for at least 10 mins a day so he can get used to it. A big thing that has happened this month is the discovery of his toes.  He hasn't yet put them in his mouth but we can tell he wants to.  He usually grabs them while he is laying down in his crib or the floor.  He is going to get to the point where he grabs his feet and rolls over!

Another new thing is blowing bubbles/spitting/whatever you want to call it.  We call it blowing bubbles but sometimes he does it with such force, you think he is trying to spit!  It is very cute except when he does it while he's eating his cereal.  It's very hard for a 4 month old to understand STOP and NO! When I tell him know he just gets startled.  Hopefully it's sinking it not to do it while he is eating but I know it will take some time for him to learn that.

Speaking of cereal, we started giving him cereal about two weeks ago.  At first he didn't know what to do with his mouth and tongue which is normal. Now that he has done it a couple of times, I think he is getting the hang of it.  One night I mixed in some green beans with his cereal but he didn't like that.  So for right now I am sticking with just cereal.  Below is a video of when we gave him cereal for the first time.  It has been very funny watching him try to figure out his tongue and mouth.  I think that is where the "making bubbles" came from too.  He has figured out you can make many noises with your mouth.

Andrew is also getting so much stronger.  He is able to hold up his head while we hold him in our arms.  He also sits up in his bumbo seat.  There are pictures and a video below of him sitting in it if you don't know what a bumbo seat is.  On Friday he shared some banana with me, which he really liked!  I think I am going to have to start him on green vegetables first because Andrew has a sweet tooth like his dad.

Matt celebrated his first father's day with Andrew and I this month also.  You can read about it in the previous blog, if you haven't already.

Matt, Andrew and I went to Andrew's four month appointment on July 1st.  He weighs 15 lbs. 4 oz. and is in the 50%. Andrew is 25 in. tall and is in the 44%.  Matt thinks he is 26" long but we will go with the nurse on this one :) He also needed to get his four month shots, which he wasn't happy about.  After we got home, we just relaxed for the night. Andrew has accomplished a lot this past month.  Before I know it, Andrew will be crawling!!!

Getting ready to eat cereal!

Cool dude!!!

He thought this was funny!

On a side note, we FINALLY picked out hardwood flooring!!!! So excited, it will be in next week and we will install in the weekend of the 13th-15th.  Also the cabinet guy, Greg, came over yesterday and got the final measurements for the island!!! Are kitchen is coming along.  Are goal is to get the kitchen complete by Matt's birthday so we can celebrate in our new kitchen!!!!


  1. He looks a lot like his daddy! So fun re-living all those exciting new stages, it goes way to fast!

  2. I was able to watch the videos on my computer just now. The bumbo video was funny--watching him roll his head around. :)

  3. Yes, he looks so much like his daddy!
