Thursday, July 11, 2013

Red, White and Baby!

Andrew and I had a busy fourth of July day!  We started out the day by going to my parents house for a lunch BBQ.  My uncle, aunt and cousin's were up from Atlanta visiting for the week and wanted to meet Andrew.  Everyone had a great time visiting with one another.  My grandma, sister and Mark also came over.  We ate some really good food too! My sister made some awesome mac 'n cheese, my dad grilled some hot dogs, hamburgers and sausage.  The sausage was filled with fajita flavors: mozzarella cheese, bell peppers, jalapeno, and spices.  He got them at Sam's Club and they were very delicious!  After we ate lunch, we visited for a while.  The kids enjoyed playing and holding Andrew.  It was nice seeing them since we had not seen them since Thanksgiving.  Below are some pictures of everyone enjoying their time with each other.

Cute outfit Great Aunt Audrey got me!

Cousin time!

Andrew and Jaz

Jaz, Aunt Suzanna, Andrew and Lauren

Everyone enjoying family time!

Andrew and Meredith

Andrew checking out Grandpa's new hair cut!

Jaz showed me the cookie she made for Andrew and wanted me to take a picture of it for him!

Grandpa taking a picture of Andrew.

Andrew, Lauren and Jaz

Andrew and Adam

All the cousins

After my parents house, we went over to Mike and Steph's house for dinner.  Since Matt had to work that day, he met us over at their house.  Everything was delicious there also!  Mike grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and brats.  There was fruit, veggies, pasta salad and dessert! I was stuffed full of BBQ food from the day. We were going to go watch the fireworks at Olathe Medical after dinner, but Andrew was getting fussy from traveling the whole day and not getting a solid nap in for the day.  So Matt, Andrew and I just went home.  After we put Andrew down for bed, Matt and I watched the fireworks from our deck.  All together it was a great day of spending time with family! Hope everyone loves spending time with family just as much as I do!

On a couple of side notes, Andrew has now ate peas and we started on green beans last night!  He is doing great with figuring how to use his mouth and tongue.  He is really enjoying the eating part too lol.  Andrew also officially moved up to size 2 diapers!  This kid just won't stop growing!

The kitchen floor is in but we need to go pick it up hopefully today or tomorrow.  Well we need to pick it up by tomorrow because Jon is coming over tomorrow night to help start the first few rows! Then on Saturday my dad, Mike and Mitch are coming over to help Matt and I install the rest! I will post a new blog once the floor is complete.  So excited!!!!!

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