Monday, July 29, 2013

Dad's birthday, 5 months old, Royals and house update!

This post is a little late, but we were so busy this week! Sunday we went over to my parents house to celebrate my dads 60th birthday!  My sister went to get some bbq and brought it over.  It was a small family get together but that's what my dad wanted.  He didn't want a big party just family which was perfectly fine!

Great Grandpa Dale and Great Grandma Georgeann came by for a visit.

My sister and I got my dad the same card!
Great minds think a like!

This is what 60 looks like, LOL!

Monday Andrew turned 5 months old!  I can't believe he is already this old.  Andrew is doing so many things now.  We have moved up to size 2 diapers and 6 month clothes!  Some 3-6 month clothes still fit, but a good chunk of his clothes are 6 months.  Even some of his 6 month clothes are a little tight, so I won't be surprised if he moves up to 6-9 month clothes in the next month or so.

Andrew has also moved on to eating dinner with us! He is still eating baby food but it is so awesome to eat WITH him!  Green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, sweet carrots, apples, blueberries, pears, and bananas are all the foods he has tried and ate well.  I am pretty sure Andrew has his daddy's sweet tooth because about half way through his veggie bowl, he wants his fruit.  He is a pretty smart boy and knows that he is getting his fruit now, which is sweet.  I try to give him the whole bowl of veggies before I give him the fruit.  If there is a bite or two left, I move on to the fruit.  He loves fruit by the way!

Along with eating more food, he is talking a lot more too!  Matt and I love having conversations with Andrew.  When you talk to him, he has so many different facial features. Andrew lifts his eyebrows up, says aahhhh, pushes his eyebrows down, says oooo, smiles, watches your mouth and tries to mimic what you just said.  It's just so fun to watch him learn new things everyday.

Here are some 5 month pictures:

"Mom, why are you taking so many pictures...hump"

Matt and I got the opportunity to go to see the Royals not only once this week but twice! Both nights the tickets were provided by our jobs.  Wednesday night we went to the game and sat in the Diamond Club seats.  We sat with Matt's boss, Ben and his girlfriend Kristin.  Diamond Club seats are very nice! Of course you are right behind the plate, you can see all the players and the crack of the bat sounds so different which was my favorite part!  Thursday night we went to the game and had a great time too!  My boss gave us these tickets, which is pretty awesome.  And, on the plus side, the Royals won both night!  They are also at .500 right now, which makes Matt very happy :)

View from the Diamond seats :)

Eric Hosmer hit two home runs Wednesday night!

Work has been super busy with people either going on vacation, starting the new website, people leaving and/or new people starting.  Hopefully once the two new girls get the swing of things, I won't have such a stack of designs to do.  Monday's are usually my busiest day.  Matt usually has that day off but he has to go in the next couple of weeks until Pepsi can hire a new swing for him and Mitch.  So Matt went and picked Myranda up and brought her over to the house.  She helped me out SO MUCH by playing, watching and feeding.  She will be a great babysitter in the future and I can't wait for her to babysit Andrew more.  I know she loves it.

Randa and Andrew!

It has been nice being busy, but kinda hard at the same time.  I want to give Andrew attention but sometimes I just have to let him play by himself and get work done.  He is so good at playing by himself.  Andrew pretty much gets cranky when he's hungry, tired or bored.  Other than that, he can play with his toys by himself.  I feel very blessed to have such a great baby!

We also heard from Jon about the island on Friday.  Jon will get it from his cabinet guy some time this week then paint it.  He said that will take a couple of days and then hopefully by next weekend he will install it.  Jon will also be putting in the new door that leads off to the deck from the kitchen, a new screen door, and finishing the flooring.  Once the island is installed we can have the granite people come over and measure!!!!   Matt's friend Mike came over and helped him install the new ceiling fan in the bedroom too! 
So excited/blessed/lucky/happy with the progress that is going on with our home!

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