Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pregnancy and Nursery Update

38 weeks today! Had baby appointment and sonogram yesterday.  The sonogram lady checked everything out and pretty much said everything was going great.  All the organs were in great shape, heart good, bladder good, lungs good, baby is head down but not in the canal yet.  Doctor said I was dilated 3 cm so we are just waiting for the baby to drop.  The baby can come any day now!

Overall, the pregnancy has gone pretty good.  The only real problem I've had this time around are my hips.  Sleeping comes and goes.  I get spurts of 2-3 hours of sleep a night.  Usually I wake up to turn over to the other side AND go to the bathroom.  This going to the bathroom every hour or every time I stand up is getting old too.  The pregnancy will be over soon and we will be holding our son!

The last month of pregnancy with Andrew went by super slow but this pregnancy has gone by really fast.  Can't believe Thanksgiving is this week and then the baby will be here soon!  For Thanksgiving, we will be going over to Matt's parents house in Minneola.  Doctor said I need to be less than 2 hours from the hospital.  I will probably still do a little Black Friday shopping even though everyone doesn't want me too.  Might make the baby come sooner and people are a little nicer towards pregnant women.

37 weeks

I finished up the nursery last weekend and it turned out great! Love the animals and so does Andrew.

Went with a jungle/animal theme.  Bassinet, crib, changing table and rocker all kept from Andrew's pregnancy.

Painted the animals all by myself!  Pretty proud of myself.

Crib and bassinet ready for the baby.

Need to find another curtain to match.

Winnie the Pooh corner

Hospital bag packed and ready to go.  Probably too much stuff in there and not going to use half of it.

Closet is stocked and ready for baby Harris.  Thanks to everyone that gave and sent gifts! Very thankful!

Found the little lamp downstairs.  I can turn this on at night instead of the main light.  Don't want to blind the little guy.

Can't wait to meet him!

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