Another Christmas has come and gone. Ours was filled with love and a lot of driving! The weekend before Christmas we went to my parents house for the weekend. We celebrated Christmas with my side of the family. Once everyone arrived, we opened gifts first. Andrew is really into the V-Tech Go Go Smart Wheels cars and play sets right now so that's pretty much what he got for Christmas. He got the train station from my parents. My sister and Mark got him a bulldozer ride-on toy and then he received mostly money from great grandparents. Money is good because this kid has too many toys! My dad also got Andrew a little ride around ATV. Andrew enjoyed it for a little bit, then wasn't too fond of the motor sound when you pushed the GO button.
My parents Christmas tree
Andrew's new ATV
This is staying at my parents
Here is the train station set up with the airport and car garage that he already had.
This is the cute wreath my sister made for me! Love it!
Matt and I received money as well, candy and some Rachel Ray utensils for the kitchen!
After opening up presents it was ready for lunch! Typical families have ham or turkey for their Christmas meal BUT NOT US! We had my all time favorite meal, lasagna!!! It was delicious! The Chiefs and the Steelers were playing against each other that day too. It was pretty much everyone in my family against me (except for Matt because he likes the 49ers). The Steelers ended up winning which was awesome for me! After the football game and catching up, we headed back to Columbia.
On Christmas Eve, I had the day off to pack up everything and put it in the car for our 8 hour trip to Minneola. Andrew was at daycare till noon, so that gave me time to do everything without having to worry about him. I got everything packed up and Andrew and I were ready to go, just had to wait for Matt to get off work. We headed out of town around 2 pm. Our first stop was in KC for some gas and snacks. Andrew did really great in the car. Whoever invented portable DVD players is a smart person. We wouldn't have got through the trip if Andrew didn't have his Peppa the Pig on. He watched the DVD over and over again. We stopped in Whicita for a late lunch. Andrew got to get out and stretch his legs in the play area. He didn't want to come out!
Enjoying the car ride, Peppa the Pig and a corn dog.
Having fun at McDonalds
Sunset of Kansas
After dinner, we got back in the car. Stopped in Greensburg for gas. We made it to Matt's parents house a little after 10 pm, so 8 hours wasn't that bad.
Christmas morning we had cinammon rolls for breakfast. Then we opened up gifts. Andrew got all V-Tech Go Go Smart Wheels cars and play stations. He received a Fire Station, Police Station and car wash from family. He got money from Grandpa Butch and Grandma Sandy. He also got a camera and Play-Doh from us.
He already had the airplane, tow truck and train. Not pictured, the police car and fire truck.
After the kids opened their gifts, Sandy and I worked on Christmas lunch. We had ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, yams, corn, crescent rolls and plenty of desserts. I had a little slice of coconut and lemon meringue pie :)
After lunch I played The Game of Life with my nieces and nephew. McKinzie won, Preston had 5 kids and lived in a boat lol! I had 6 kids and lived in a cottage. It was a fun time.

After that, the grown ups went to the Casino. As usual, I lost money. Stephanie and I are just going to go to the movies next time and the guys can go to the casino. I haven't won anything from a casino is a couple of years. My luck needs to change there. Anyways, we headed home and had leftovers for dinner. We played a card game of Golf and Matt won.
Friday morning Mike, Steph and the kids headed back home. Matt and I went to Dodge City for the after Christmas sales at Walmart. I stocked back up on boxes, cookie containers and bags. It's nice when things are 50%! We went back to the house for more leftover food for lunch. The rest of the afternoon was pretty lazy. I think we all watched 4-5 hours of Family Feud. After too much of that, Alissa, Matt, Jim and I played some board games. It was a lot of fun to just have some family time and not have to worry about working.
This game was called UNO Rummy. I won one of the games.
Saturday Matt and I drove to Garden City, Kansas (which is about an hour away from Minneola) Matt is interviewing for the plant manager job there and I wanted to check it out since I had never been there. It's a nice town and has a Zoo. I think if we ended up moving there, we would have a lot of picnics at the Zoo. It's free or you can drive through it for $10.00. Matt and I did that just to check it out. We also checked out the Wal-Mart, Sam's Club and we ate at the Applebee's there. After spending the day there, we headed back to Minneola.
Sunday morning we packed up the car, said hi to Wanda (she's a Harris' family friend) and left for Kansas City. We ate at Spangles in Wichita for lunch and QT for gas. Then stopped in Overland Park at Mitch and Carolyn's house to exchange gifts with the kids.
Andrew was telling me about Peppa.
Connor and Hailey with their gifts from us (the hats) and their gifts from Jim and Michele.
Anna and Princess Elsa
After 1500 miles, three Christmas', two families, listening to a lot of Peppa the Pig, playing board and card games, loosing some money at the casino, visiting family and making memories, I would say we had a great trip! Living further away makes these memories that much more special!
Here is a link to my full Christmas album:
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