Last weekend we installed the hardwood floors! A big shout out and thanks to Jon for getting the flooring, closet and around the fireplace started. If you need any house repairs, Matt and I definitely recommend Jon for that. He has replaced our windows, knocked out the closet, and helped us with the hardwood floors. Once the island is built, Jon will paint and install it. He will also install a new door going out to the deck. The old door has wood rot around it and is leaking. Below are some pictures of the hardwood floor progress.
This is what the kitchen looked like after we knocked out the closet.
Our messy house which we are not a fan of.
Randa was helping us out.
Had to take the baseboard off first. Matt was supervising Mike.
Thanks for the help Mike!
The laminate floor was just floating on top of the 2nd laminate flooring.
The yellowish colored laminate flooring was
nailed/stapled down. It took awhile to get that up.
We took this floor up two weeks ago.
Then under the 2nd laminate floor was the sub-floor.
We had to hammer all the staples into the floor and
clean it up to lay down the new hardwood floor.
This is what the guys had to start with last Saturday.
And the hardwood floor installation begins!
Thanks dad, Mitch, Jon and Mike for the help!
Jon had to do the closet. It was a little tricky.
And around the fireplace.
The floor is clean now :)
Still working on cleaning up the kitchen
but the floors are installed and we love them!
Andrew is getting so big! We had to switch over to size 2 diapers and he is eating more food. He has now tried peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes! Definitely getting the hang of eating the food. Andrew is ready for the next bite before I even have it ready. He is holding his head up with more control. Matt called Andrew his little bobblehead when he would hold him. We also got a saucer for Andrew to sit in. It was an extra one that Sandy (Matt's mom) had and gave to Stephanie. Stephanie let us have it for Andrew. I think the many uses the saucer received over the years made the elastic wear out. So that's why Andrew can barely look over it. We may replace the elastic bands if we can figure out how to or just get a new saucer.
Our handsome son!
Andrew was helping papa with the floor.
First spit up on the new hardwood floor but surely not the last :)
Our happy little family!
The floors look awesome! I thought I recognized that saucer! Seth used to love it!! He is getting big! What a handsome lil guy!