Wow, were does the time go??? If anyone really knows the answer to that question, please let me know! Lets track back to January shall we. Matt, Andrew and I go to Columbia for his interview at Pepsi. We look around at the neighborhoods but don't think much of it. Two weeks later, Matt comes home around lunch time (which is unusually because he normally doesn't come home during the day unless he forgot something) and tells us that he got the job!

Three weeks later, Matt starts his job in Columbia. He said he's enjoying it, just wants Andrew and I in Columbia also. Speaking of jobs, after Matt got the job I went into my job at Half Price Banners to let them know. To my surprise, my boss asked if I would like to keep my job and work from home in Columbia. To be honest, I thought he would ask me this and I told myself that I wouldn't do it. I just felt like I needed to get out of the house and in an actual job with people in the room with me. After talking about everything with Matt, the pros and cons and thinking about how much this has been a blessing to us, I told them I would love to keep working for them. It has been a huge, huge blessing for me to work from home and have Andrew be there. Once we move and get settled into our new home (where ever that may be) Andrew will be going to either a at home daycare or a daycare. Since the banner season is picking up and Andrew wants to play more, I feel horrible that I can't play with him and work at the same time. He will totally enjoy playing with other kids.

A couple of weeks ago we put the house on the market. With my amazing redesign on the kitchen and our gigantic deck, we were pretty sure our house would sell within a 'normal' amount of time. Well we (meaning I) didn't think we would get an offer in 14 days and close just a week and a half later! We close on the house on March 31. Now we just need to find a house in Columbia! No potentials yet but I know we will find the house we want and need. We are going to have a lot of people visit us so we need room and we need to look in a good school district for Andrew.
Everything is slowly coming together and we are very happy with the decisions we have made. Of course we will miss everyone in the area but there is a possibility we will be back.