Friday, August 30, 2013

Half way to 1 people!!!!

Our little boy is 6 months old!!! Man the time is going by fast! This past month has been great for him.  He started clapping his hands by himself.  It's so cute to watch him clap.  I think he got it watching Matt clap during the Royals games.  A couple of weeks ago we got him a new jumper saucer.  HE LOVES IT!!! Andrew bounces in it for a long time and his legs are getting so much stronger.  Some times when Matt or I are holding him, he will move his legs up and down as if he was in the saucer.  Andrew is also holding his bottle pretty well during the last couple of ounces.  He can't hold the full bottle yet but it's coming soon.  Andrew can also make a "tri-pod" out of himself meaning I can sit him up and place his hands out in front of him flat on the floor.  He teeters for a little bit and eventually falls over but the doctor said that this is good for his balance in the future.

On Monday he had his 6 month check up at the doctors office and he got some shots as well.  Andrew weighs 17 lbs. 6 oz. which is in the 48% percentile.  He is 28" long which is in the 90% percentile.  Doctor said he is doing great physically and growing wise.  He wants us to work on reading to Andrew more and have Andrew "read" to himself as well.  Which means to just put a book in front of him and he can get used to what a book is.  I have placed a book in front of him a couple of time and he has just chewed on it.  It is so cute to watch him figure it out.

Matt thought it would be a great idea to celebrate Andrew's half birthday.  I thought it was such a thoughtful idea. We went out to dinner and then went to Price Chopper to get a little cake.  Matt and I were the only ones that ate the cake.  I know, it's Andrew half birthday and he doesn't get any of his cake.  Don't worry, he will get some on his first birthday!  He did get caught "red handed" sticking his hand into his cake while we were taking pictures.  He really did want some cake I guess!

Our little boy is getting so big and time is going by too fast.  Soon I will be writing a blog for his 1st birthday!

Here are some 6 months pictures, enjoy!

Figuring out everything!

Happy Half Birthday!

I want some cake too!

Caught him "red handed"

Daddy and Andrew

Andrew and Mommy

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Oh SO close!

THE ISLAND HAS BEEN INSTALLED!!! and we feel super blessed at the hard work Greg and Jon put into it.  Some people might think it is too big, but it is perfect for the kitchen and our home.  On the side that faces the fridge and stove, their are four cabinets and four drawers.  Two of the cabinets have "special" drawers inside.  One is a roll out drawer with tray dividers and the other has two sliding shelves.  See the pictures below.  On the other side their are four cabinets.  Now we are ready for granite!!! Then my kitchen will be back to normal, sorta.  Jon still needs to install the back door and finish sanding the wall so I can paint.

This is my new favorite drawer!

Andrew is doing great as usual.  He is growing apparently but I can't tell because I am around him all the time.  Other people tell me he is growing so I guess he is.  Still eating baby food from jars and oatmeal.  We do think he is teething because the past couple of days he has been very cranky for no apart reason.  We have heard from parents that teething can start as early as a month or two before they would get their first tooth.  My mom said I got my first tooth around 6 months, so I am thinking that is whats happening.  I need to ask Matt's mom when he got his first tooth though.  He turned 6 months on Thursday! Oh my goodness!!! Do you think I should start planning his birthday party now??? Below are some 5 month pictures I needed to post.  I will make a separate blog post about his 6 month pictures and we plan on having a special dinner to celebrate his half birthday!

Sunday my sister and future brother in law had their house warming party for family. It is so great to see my sister in a happy place with a great guy.  I remember when I bought my first house, she was living with me and I told her she couldn't do some things.  She would then tell me, "I can't wait till I get my own house!" I swear she would tell me that at least once a week.  Now that she has her own house she can turn it into their home.  I made them a craft gift that was super easy and a lot of fun.  I will explain how I did it in another blog, as people are asking me how I am crafting my projects.

Now we just need to wait for the granite to be installed at the end of next week.  We had a company come over and give us a bid on Tuesday. We knew no one could beat his bid so we are going with Absolute Granite from Olathe.  We went and picked out the slabs of granite Wednesday night.  They should be coming over on Monday to finalize the contract.  Matt and I are very excited about the changes to the house but we can't wait till everything is done!